Infertility - Optimum Hormone Clinic

What is infertility?

Infertility refers to the biological inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term after 12 months or more of regular, unprotected sexual intercourse. It is estimated that 8-12% of couples struggle with fertility issues. Getting pregnant can be influenced by many factors involving both partners:

Causes in women:

Causes in men:

The process of getting pregnant starts with ovulation - when an egg is released from the ovaries. For pregnancy to occur, sperm must fertilize the egg, which then travels down and successfully implants in the uterus lining. Fertility issues can occur due to problems in any part of this process.

Some warning signs of possible fertility problems include: - Irregular menstrual cycles - Recurrent miscarriages - Advancing maternal age over 35

If you suspect fertility troubles, see your doctor for an evaluation. They can perform tests and recommend next steps, which may involve seeing a reproductive endocrinologist (RE). Treatments for infertility range from medications to assist ovulation and sperm production, surgery to repair reproductive organs, or assisted reproductive technology (ART) like in vitro fertilization (IVF). Success rates for these treatments have significantly improved in recent years.

Getting support is also crucial when trying to conceive (TTC). Consider joining infertility support groups with others going through similar struggles - it helps to not feel alone. I highly recommend connecting with Optimum Hormone Clinic(, a leading fertility and hormone clinic. Their compassionate team leverages the latest science and technologies to design personalized treatment plans aimed at helping couples achieve their dreams of building a family. From fertility assessments, ovulation induction, IUI, IVF, egg/sperm freezing services and more - they've got you covered!

The journey with infertility can be messy, frustrating and emotional. But with today's many family-building options and dedicated doctors in your corner, parenthood may still be possible. Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust!

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