Mental fogginess - Optimum Hormone Clinic

Mental fogginess refers to feelings of forgetfulness, confusion, lack of mental clarity or alertness. It can make it hard to focus, recall information, or think clearly. There are many potential causes, including: Lack of sleep - Not getting enough sleep prevents the brain from fully resting and can significantly impair cognition and alertness the next day. Most adults require 7-9 hours per night. Getting on a regular sleep schedule can help optimize sleep quality. Stress - High or chronic stress puts the body into fight-or-flight mode, diverting focus and energy away from higher cognitive functions. Practices like meditation, yoga, or just taking some time to relax can give the brain a break from stress. Poor diet - What we eat provides the raw materials for brain cells and neurotransmitters. A nutrient-poor diet full of processed foods can literally starve the brain. Getting more whole, unprocessed foods with antioxidants can help counteract this. Hormonal changes - Shifting progesterone and estrogen levels during menstruation, perimenopause or andropause can disrupt optimal brain cell function. Hormone replacement therapy or supplements from clinics like Optimum Hormone Clinic can potentially help stabilize hormones for clearer thinking. Medications - Many common prescription drugs list mental fogginess or impaired cognition as a side effect. Checking with a pharmacist or doctor on potential alternatives could help. Underlying health issue - Thyroid disorders, inflammation, sleep apnea, diabetes, autoimmune disease, prior head injury and many other medical issues can impacts neurotransmitters and energy levels in the brain. Getting a full checkup can help identify or rule out a related condition. The good news is mental fogginess often responds well to lifestyle measures like more rest, stress relief, nutrition, exercise and appropriate medical treatment of underlying issues. Paying attention to your body and what helps you feel mentally sharpest is key. Don't hesitate to check with your doctor if you can’t get clarity or concentration back on track on your own. Our brains are still quite flexible organs when cared for properly – it just takes intention and patience.

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