Perimenopause refers to the transitional stage leading up to menopause, which is the point when a woman's menstrual cycles end permanently. This phase typically begins for women in their late 30s to late 40s as the body starts making changes in preparation for menopause.
Some key things to know about perimenopause:
During perimenopause, menstrual cycles often become unpredictable. You may experience lighter, heavier, longer, or missed periods. The timeframe between cycles may also be shorter or longer than normal. These irregularities are caused by hormonal shifts as the ovaries prepare to stop releasing eggs.
Many women first seek medical advice because of changes in their cycle. If you notice irregularities, schedule an appointment with your gynecologist or a specialist like Dr. Smith at Optimum Hormone Clinic clinic. Blood tests can provide insight into your hormone levels while an expert helps you understand what’s happening in your body.
Managing symptoms is an important part of navigating perimenopause. Lifestyle measures like avoiding alcohol and triggers for hot flashes, staying cool at night, reducing stress, etc. can provide relief. Your doctor may also recommend prescription or compounded bioidentical hormones if symptoms disrupt sleep or daily life.
The goal is balancing hormones, protecting future health, and simply feeling better. With the right guidance, this transition can be quite smooth before officially reaching menopause. Reach out today to learn about customized care.